Only Repetitive Follow Through Pony Training Yields Success

Perhaps owing to the many sundry enthusiasms for, although not dedication to, horses and horse riding, it’s hard to reinforce upon individuals that following thru with equestrian training is tantamount to success. When we talk of following thru with horse coaching, it basically means sticking to a training technique or regime and repeating it a multitude of times, which is simply standard. Many folk are indeed horse riding fans, but their zeal for riding does not extend to coaching. Its really not surprising though. This mind-set of becoming bored with repetition is maybe natural to nearly any task that must be repeated almost continually.

Take a weight control or reduction programme for instance. Many overweight folk want to shed kilos, but few can ever commit to an almost overzealous diet and exercise programme that can effectively help them in losing weight and remain in a preferred weight range. Even if the issue concerns general fitness, chunky folk People in general lose interest in repetion whether the case is of one’s own health, one’s weight or a wannabe equestrian not following through with pony training… merely stopping as soon as his horse shows a glimmer of understanding.

Ask any committed equestrian, even the basic horse riding maneuvers taught to both rider and horse must be repeated about 2,000 times before the motions of the maneuvers become automated, second nature. A dressage champion wannabe must endure what boredom or any other impetus can trouble her in periods of follow through. But what about the individual simply anticipating weekend pony riding for leisure? Fortunately for those among us who still fall into deplorable ennui yet know the essence of following through with even the most basic training, there are some things that will help us outlast rounds of boredom:

– Count. Yes, count how often you’re repeating the drill, the pony coaching exercise. It can help you concentrate on getting the specified responses. It can also help you to understand just how long it requires for a horse to to understand what you’re trying to teach, how long that it takes for her to make it a habit, and how long it needs until the reply to your cues are nearly automated.

– Try listening to music. Bring your iPod along and stick an earphone into one of your ears. This simple, classic trick may help to keep 15 minutes from appearing like 15 hours.

– Be generous in praising your pony. This helps you focus on your pony, not the boredom. It also encourages her and urges her to learn quicker.

– Don’t schedule boring hours of pony coaching. Break down the training into simpler bites that need shorter time.

But beyond these little things, you as an equestrian should appreciate that it is only thru the numerous times of following thru that you will eventually succeed in developing a robust relationship and amazing success outcomes.

Horses are Heather Toms passion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers, like all things about country supply

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