Sports Betting Champ Review – Downright Ugly

According to John Morrisons sports betting champ website, you will be guaranteed a 97% winning rate on all bets placed through his system. Well, according to the world we were supposed to lose all grip on technology in the year 2000, but eleven years later we are all using iPads and so forth.

Thus when somebody guarantees success at such a staggering number one must stop to ponder if it is real or not. The bottom line is that no one can truly calculate all the odds in any game. Life has unexpected twists and turns and that is precisely what debunks this hyped system. What happens when the player of a MLB team realizes his son just got killed in an accident? You will not be able to calculate how that trauma will affect his game, his concentration and so forth. Thus it is impossible to base a 97% winning streak on the millions of possibilities regarding emotional and physical variables within the players. Yes if we lived in a black and white world without emotion or physical discomfort, things would be so much easier to predict. Yet change is the only constant variable we can rely on, and make accurate guesses based on the information available. But it is ridiculous to believe that 97% of the time youll be spot on about the result of a game. I am not saying that the system works or doesnt work, but rather suggesting opening ones mind and not pay attention to the hype. Sports predictionsgives you an idea of winning the bets.

Sports betting champ review The good the bad and the ugly

If you are truly a sports fan that places bets on games, then you most probably have heard of the infamous sports betting champ. This system promises to provide 97% of winnings on all your bets, but the big question that comes into play is, does it work?

Apparently the mastermind behind it all is John Morrison, an expert in the field of bet placing and so forth. According to his way you will be able to maintain a 3% loss on all your bets, but upon further investigation some truths have been revealed. His system can bring in money but his 97% winning percentage is inflated. The method of calculating wins over losses is completely ridiculous and not accurate. Simple Strategy For Soccer Betting helps you to properly manage the money to be sure not to bet more than you can afford to lose.

John will not add in all his losses due to a massive amount of variables that will disqualify a loss. If a player was changed right before a game his system will not count it as a loss, if you lose obviously. But if the player is changed before the game and there is a win, miraculously it is considered as a win. tegel outlet . This makes us become very suspicious on his 97% winning streaks, and shows us that even the best system in the world will not be able to provide such wins. Many websites will claim that luck has nothing to do with winning, but we all know that is not true. No matter how much information you have on hand, you can never predict the unpredictable.

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