Horse Training – Who's the Leader, You Or Your Horse?

There is one thing that is absolutely required before you can successfully relate to or train a horse: leadership. As soon as any horse becomes aware of you they will assign you a status: predator, herd mate or no importance at all, like the pet rock of the ’70’s. As herd animals, horses are hard-wired to identify the power structure whenever they are in the company of another horse or human.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the horse’s default opinion will be that you are a predator, and any big moves on your part will kick in nature’s fight-or-flight response. In the case of horses, unless they are confined, their choice will be to run. The other extreme is the horse who has effectively trained their owner to get out of their way to protect sore toes, to offer cookies whenever their participation is requested, and can communicate very clearly when a saddle or bridle comes out; “No.” Horses become bullies for the same reason children do; there is an absence of appropriate leadership.

Leaders must understand their followers. Horse owners must know how horses think, why they do what they do, and be able to prepare lesson plans that make sense to their horse. For a horse-human relationship to succeed, there must be an established leader. Rarely will relationships work if the horse is in control. There are exceptions, but don’t count on it with the pony out in your pasture.

Leaders must be able to communicate clearly and concisely with their followers. Communication with a horse begins with body language. Over time you can add verbal commands, but in early stages, body language is your only option. Horses learn from the release of pressure. The pressure can be physical or psychic, the pull of a neck rope, or anxiety from your intimidating physical position.

There are only two reasons why your horse doesn’t do what you want – they are either unable or unwilling. As the leader you must determine which is the case and establish the circumstances to make the horse able or make them willing. The folks who tell you how stupid horses are have just confessed that the horse in question got the best of them. Horses are much better people trainers than people are horse trainers.

Everything you ever learned about leadership can be useful when training your horse. You just need to learn how to communicate with the horse. As in every case, effective communication includes being a great listener. All great leaders and great trainers are clear, consistent and fair. Every lesson must offer your horse some benefit.

Leaders and horse trainers learn to use correction to help their followers improve, they do not use punishment that de-motivates or instills fear. There is great responsibility attached to being the leader of a horse-human relationship. Always give the horse the benefit of your doubt. We haven’t yet reached the height of what is possible for the horse-human partnership. However, every successful partnership begins at the beginning, and proceeds with little, orderly steps taken as fast or slow as the horse can master them.

There is no more accurate barometer of your leadership ability as a horse. Horses are direct – they do not dissemble, they “say” what they mean. Horses don’t care what you look like, who your daddy is, or how much money you make. One of the delights of relationship with a horse is that they judge you 100% on your actions. Once you learn to properly lead a horse into confident relationship, you will have mastered skills that will help you succeed in every part of your life.

Don’t make promises to your horse that you can’t keep. Love the process. Building a relationship with your horse is a gift that many only dream of, watching with awe and amazement as a horse and rider appear to move as one body and one spirit on the movie screen or in the show pen. If it was easy everyone could do it. It’s not. But the reward of your horse’s obedience and devotion is more than worth it.

Copyright 2009 Lynn Baber

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Lynn Baber has 1 articles online

Lynn Baber is a business coach, speaker, writer and retired equine professional. She shares the lessons learned in thirty-five years at the business table and round pen with her clients and readers. Highly credentialed in issues of leadership, customer relations and most things equine, Lynn has a unique perspective not found elsewhere. Whether the topic is customer service or training stallions, Lynn brings years of experience to presentations and articles. Lynn has a new book scheduled for release in early 2010 and is working on revising “The Art of Being Foolish Proof: the best kept customer service secret” originally published in 1989. Visit Lynn at or

Various Types of Horse Rugs – EzineMark

Horse owners usually look for horse rugs to offer greater level of protection to their horse during the hot summer months as well as the cold winter months. Usually, horse rugs which are meant for winter season are thicker and warmer than the ones which are meant for summer. So, if you are planning to buy horse rugs, then just have a look at the varieties available so that you can buy the one which best suits your horse.

Turnout rugs: These turnout rugs are specially designed to keep your horse warm during the winter months and also to keep your horse clean and dry. The outer material of this type of rug is waterproof synthetic and its thickness varies based on the warmth that your horse needs.

Stable rugs: As the name itself suggests, these rugs are meant to keep your horse warm inside the stable. These stable rugs are not made of waterproof materials and hence, they cannot be worn outside the stable. They are made of padded synthetic or quilted materials and are also available with different thicknesses.

Lightweight rugs: These rugs are suitable for your horse during spring and autumn when it is neither too hot nor too cold. Some of these lightweight rugs come with fleece lining to provide extra warmth to your horse.

Under Rugs: If your horse has become quite old and wants greater protection during the chilling winter months, then just try out under rugs. These rugs are used along with other types of rugs as extra layers for greater protection against cold.

Summer sheets: These sheets help to keep your horse clean. However, they are not waterproof.

These are some of the common varieties of horse rugs available in the market today. You will get cheap horse rugs as well as expensive ones. The choice is yours as to which one you want to buy. So without further delay, just go ahead and buy them for your horse today.

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Sidonie Luiza has 5753 articles online and 124 fans

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wormers, horse wormers- to bring instant comfort to the horses!

On the basis of the animal, amount of work performed by it and the prevailing weather conditions, horses and ponies require routine health check up by a professional veterinarian every 6 to 8 weeks.

All equines suffer from a parasitic burden once in their lifetime therefore it is necessary to offer them periodic treatment throughout life. Animal caretakers usually take care and precautions to keep their prized animals away from this problem. They frequently remove animal droppings from the shed, stall and field, by harrowing or disking droppings in fields, for several weeks in a row, leaving the field empty and by minimizing crowding in fields, they try to curb the menace of parasitic infection in these magnificent animals. Sometimes, animals can also be placed on the field for a period of time other than the equines, such as ruminants as they do not host the same parasitic species as equines.

In order to repel insects, frequent application of fly spray may help which will bring down the incidences of diseases related to botflies. In case any bot eggs are laid in the hair of the horses, using a pumice stone or a specialized bot egg knife can help in curbing this problem. However, if there are internal parasites, to eliminate them a proper check up and follow up treatment is needed. Therefore, to manage parasite problems, most modern horse owners usually give anthelmintic drugs (wormers) to their horses.

Usually two methods of worming are used in case of horses. Using a single strong dose, purge Wormers can be used that kill parasites in a single shot. This medication is administered periodically, in every 8-12 weeks. The dosage also depends on the local conditions and recommendations offered by expert veterinarians. Daily wormers that are also known as continuous wormers are given to the horse in its daily feed in minuscule dosages. These dosages are also very effective in killing parasites. Although, none of the method is completely effective, they offer temporary relief to the horses as the parasites vanish from the body of the horse at least for few days. Since continuous dose is a mild dose, it is repeated periodically and takes longer to show their effect. In case of heavily infected horse, experts usually recommend heavy single dose to control the menace. Normally, on a rotating basis horses require a purge worming with a different drug as neither type of wormers can kill the parasites completely. These wormers are repeated 2-3 times a year. In case a particular drug is unable to kill at least 95% of the parasites, the species is known to be resistant to that drug. Against worms, modern anthelmintics are generally effective but if a horse is heavily infested with parasites, careful administration of wormers must be carried out.

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Stephen Berry has 12 articles online

Stephen Berry is author of of this article and writes article on topics like Animals and Pets since a long time. For further details about horse wormers and Animal medicine please visit the website.

Finding Horse Racing Photos

Every thoroughbred horse, whether they have been in many races in the past or are just starting out on the circuit and are running in their maiden race, have had some horse racing photos taken of them practicing or doing trial runs. Many times owners and trainers will put together a portfolio with some of the horse racing photos along with detailed information about the thoroughbred itself and give it to investors or the news media to use to promote the thoroughbred.

There are other scenarios that horse owners and fans use horse racing photos for. One for instances to use a photo of a thoroughbred horse for your desktop wallpaper. This picture can be downloaded in different resolutions to give a detailed appearance on your desktop. Many people who are horse enthusiasts use these horse racing photos for this purpose. Another way is to have some of the horse racing photos blown up in larger proportions to be framed and put on a wall. There have been many avid horse racing enthusiasts who have taken some of the winning horses that they have bet on and won large amounts of money from, and they will dedicate a wall in their home to this particular horse. Trying to find as many different horse racing photos that you can find on that particular thoroughbred, whether it be a photo of them crossing the finish line or one of it just grazing in the stables is pretty easy on the Internet.

Many have asked themselves where can I find some of these great horse racing photos? If you love horses then horse racing photos is something you could or probably have looked up on the Internet and can find many different poses and levels of detail in the photos themselves. Now, there are some web sites out there that have dedicated themselves to horse racing photos and will probably give you the best possible avenue to find these. Some of these web sites are now having to charge a small amount of money that for you to download the great horse racing photos to your computer. This will allow you to use the photo at your discretion as long as you do not resell it for a profit. Horse racing and horse racing photos have been around for many years and in the past few years have gained tremendous popularity from the fact that some of these thoroughbred horses are winning two, three, or even four high dollar races where the owners and jockeys are making millions on just one race.

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Phoenix Delray has 13003 articles online and 9 fans

For more information on horse racing photos, please visit our website.

Finding Horse Racing Photos

Every thoroughbred horse, whether they have been in many races in the past or are just starting out on the circuit and are running in their maiden race, have had some horse racing photos taken of them practicing or doing trial runs. Many times owners and trainers will put together a portfolio with some of the horse racing photos along with detailed information about the thoroughbred itself and give it to investors or the news media to use to promote the thoroughbred.

There are other scenarios that horse owners and fans use horse racing photos for. One for instances to use a photo of a thoroughbred horse for your desktop wallpaper. This picture can be downloaded in different resolutions to give a detailed appearance on your desktop. Many people who are horse enthusiasts use these horse racing photos for this purpose. Another way is to have some of the horse racing photos blown up in larger proportions to be framed and put on a wall. There have been many avid horse racing enthusiasts who have taken some of the winning horses that they have bet on and won large amounts of money from, and they will dedicate a wall in their home to this particular horse. Trying to find as many different horse racing photos that you can find on that particular thoroughbred, whether it be a photo of them crossing the finish line or one of it just grazing in the stables is pretty easy on the Internet.

Many have asked themselves where can I find some of these great horse racing photos? If you love horses then horse racing photos is something you could or probably have looked up on the Internet and can find many different poses and levels of detail in the photos themselves. Now, there are some web sites out there that have dedicated themselves to horse racing photos and will probably give you the best possible avenue to find these. Some of these web sites are now having to charge a small amount of money that for you to download the great horse racing photos to your computer. This will allow you to use the photo at your discretion as long as you do not resell it for a profit. Horse racing and horse racing photos have been around for many years and in the past few years have gained tremendous popularity from the fact that some of these thoroughbred horses are winning two, three, or even four high dollar races where the owners and jockeys are making millions on just one race.

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Phoenix Delray has 13154 articles online and 9 fans

For more information on horse racing photos, please visit our website.