Understanding And Curing A Roach Backed Pony

A roach back isn’t just an unpleasant physical deformation particularly on a horse, it is also a serious condition that may not be totally cured regardless of earnest efforts. For an equestrian who trains horses for horse riding and sport, a roach back needs to be fixed. Horses with such backs aren’t precisely ideal candidates for any activity concerning a rider. But what do you do when confronted with a mare with a roach back?

Understand the Condition

The physical nonconformity is a consequence of the affected pony not using her back properly. Developmental challenges that the mare has not overcome have made her back form badly, and consequently she can’t use it correctly. It’s important for an equestrian bent on making an attempt to fix a roach back pony to appreciate why the roach back came to be, as a steed’s reaction to treatments—especially body work—would be telling indications of where the agony or tenderness is and that would in turn tell the equestrian where to focus their work on. And a mare afflicted by a roach back will have no option except to respond to body work that’s changing how afflicted areas are formed and thus forcing her to relearn how to utilise them.

A pony that isn’t using her hind quarters and back correctly would necessarily tax parts of her body taking the extra load—usually her hind legs, especially from the stifles down. As such, she would need some treatment to ease agony or soreness of these parts.

Bony Horse Backs

In a few cases of roach back, a steed’s back may appear bony, perhaps even spiky. This is thanks to the pony not using his back and hindquarters like she typically should and as a result very little muscle has developed there. This suggests the deformed vertebrae is near to the skin, making the back look bony. To handle this issue and get your roach back pony ready for a minimum of horse riding outings, you need to bolster muscle development in those bony regions. How? Try using backing.

Backing would force your mare to use her hindquarters and her back, and that in turn would prompt muscle development in the right places. When done properly eventually your mare would develop just the correct amount of back muscle that would cover the bony appearance. Extend the usage of backing to develop lateral muscles by backing in circles in a round pen.


A horse who’s gotten used to a roach back all her life will require special help solely to be rid of years of pain due to the condition. Even before it’s possible to start backing or body work, you as the equestrian first need to take care of any negative reactions that would impede the progression of the treatment applied to your mare. A great herb-based drug that helps calm horses and any reactions they may have is Eleviv.

Horses are Heather Toms passion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers, like all things about equestrian wear