If you’re a regular in the world of horses, you have to have had lots of occasions to notice the apparent ease with which pro horse trainers make horses do exactly what they desire? The same horses that continuously played truant with their owners. The trainers make it all look so effortless, like they are actually capable of some sort of special communication with horses. It can be mystifying? What does your coach have that you don’t? It is all the more perplexing because you have the distinct impression that almost all of the professionals don’t bother with horse temperament typing. Should you also stop bothering?
Before you answer that question, think of this: it could be correct that not all professional trainers are familiar with Five-Element typing, but they more than make up with the instincts they have developed over time. They can read a horse and classify him accurately within an exceedingly brief time. They have read hundreds and perhaps thousands of horses, and now it has become second nature to them. A professional trainer talks the pony talk and walks the horse walk.
Non-professional Pony Owners and Personality Types
The average horse owner like me and you, conversely, has not handled that many horses. We continue to blunder our way forward with our horses. We pride ourselves on having the Five-Element typing system at our finger tips, but we are sadly inadequate at establishing the sort of command over horses that the professionals demonstrate time after time.
Nevertheless awareness of the temperamental types does have its uses. See how these tips help you out, if you follow them faithfully, you’ll definitely see great results, though you may not qualify to be called a professional trainer.
The Fire Pony
The Fire horse attaches grave importance to relationships. If you would like to get along with him, you need to spend a ton of time grooming him and typically lurking around with him. Even if incited, avoid using vicious words with a Fire pony. Always try and persuade him into doing what you need. Never stint on the praise when he does things right.
The Earth Horse
Food is the centre of the Earth horse’s universe. He’s absolutely unambitious, and you will have to do some hard pushing to get him to make an extra effort. When he finally does what you want, put him out to graze and take a rest. It’s a reward he’s going to be enthusiastically anticipating.
The Metal Horse
No Metal pony worth his salt will go out of his way for someone he hasn’t any respect for. He gives you respect if you’re fair. If you’re teaching him something, break it up into bite-sized pieces that follow each other logically. He is a slow but an especially sure learner, and he never forgets what he learns. You can use this trait of his to boost his confidence with frequent repetition. You may find it dull, but you will earn the total respect of your Metal horse because you persevered with him until he soaked up everything.
The Water Pony
Trust makes the Water pony tick. He’s similarly adept at sensing the assurance of a professional pony coach and the nerviness of a newcomer. Keep your Water pony safe from distressing situations where you are not in absolute control and are in a position to support him whichever way is required.
The Wood Pony
The Wood horse is probably the hardest type for the non-professional coach. This is so because the Wood pony desires challenges. Newbies aren’t experienced and capable enough to maintain coaching at such a fascinating tempo the Wood pony gets engrossed and gets bored. When bored, a Wood horse can be anything from mildly irritating to distinctly threatening. When you attempt to fight with this sort, you are letting him have his way. The more appropriate option is to redirect his energies and make him so uncomfortable with bad behavior he discontinues it.
Horses are Heather Tomspassion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers click here
This article is informative, interesting and descriptive with the many different ways the writer presents points of view that differ from the norm. Thank you.